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Rename Custom Tabs on Leave Profile

We have enabled 2 Custom leave profiles (Custom 1 & Custom 2) and have assigned the leave type and allowances. When looking at this from a team overview perspective, the tabs are labelled Custom 1 & Custom 2. This is a little confusing and hard to remember which leave type was assigned to which setting. 

Can there be a way to rename the Custom 1 & 2 tabs to match the leave type that was assigned to it? This will help us to identify the leave type quickly. 

2 people like this idea
  • Hi Bhairavi

    Apologies for the long delay in responding to this suggestion. 

    The name of the custom leave type does not show in this view as the allowance is allocated per Leave Profile rather than per Team. This means therefore, that it's possible for people within 1 team to have different Custom amounts assigned to them and the system would not be able to show all custom leave types. It is possible to view the specific type for the individuals by going to their allowances table. 

    Hope this clears things up. 


    Appogee HR

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