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Clock in / out

Applicable packages Leave Time HR Essentials HR Success

Required Roles Team Manager HR Manager Administrator ADU Manager

Within Appogee HR it's possible to monitor your working hours by using the Clock-in feature.

Go to Clock-in / out from the left menu. 

NOTE: If Clock-in / out is not available from the menu, users with the HR Manager or Admin Role will be able to enable this from Roles & Access.

You can start tracking time by using the three buttons in the middle of the page. The green play button will clock you in starting the timing for the day, the orange pause button will pause the time tracking and the red stop button will stop the timer and therefore clock you out. 

The action of clocking in, taking a break and clocking out will create a Timesheet. 

You can view your Timesheets on the next tab.

At the top of the Timesheet you can see the insights - these tell you how many hours you've worked based on the Timesheet below, as well as the difference between time worked and time planned. 

You can switch between the weeks using the dropdown and Managers can view the Timesheets of the employees they manage using the employee switcher. 

Timesheets are created the first time you clock in for a week, if you forget or are on Leave for the whole week, you can manually add a Timesheet for the dates by clicking the Create Timesheet button.

Appogee Leave automatically syncs with your Timesheet so this will show if you have any Leave or Sickness Requests. 

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